“From the River to the Sea” Duty of World Muslims Community to Liberate Palestine

Today we hear a statement from Imam  Karim  AbuZaid made on June 15 2021, regarding Palestine and how it is not a political issue but a religious one for all Muslims.

What I want every Muslim to know is Masjid Al-Aqsa is not a Palestinian thing. … Our brothers and sisters in Palestine are the immediate individuals who are dealing with the situation. But no this is a Muslim thing.

In Summer of 2018 in the Salah Udeen Islamic Centre in Toronto run by Imam Ally Hindy – Imam Karim abu Zaid gave a weekend workshop on the book Islamic Guidelines For Individual and Social Reforms by Jamil Zino.  Here are experts from the section on Jihad

Jihad is obligatory on every Muslim: in one of two ways, By spending one’s wealth, or offering oneself for fighting…  – Every Muslim will be guilty unless he expels the Jews by money or physical fighting… – Example, Call to Islam until all countries embrace it and make it their way of life. If someone makes any obstacle in the way of propagation of Islam, Muslims are allowed by Allah to fight them until Islam becomes the governing authority. Jihad will not stop until the Day of Judgment.  – Teach your children the love of justice & revenge. Consequently our youth would know that Palestine should be freed and Jerusalem must be of the Muslims. They have to learn Islam and Jihad as per the Qur’an and that holy fighting for Justice is supported By Allah. MHNBE.  Jihad against disbelievers, communists and aggressors from Jewish – Christian Nations can be by spending on jihad or participating in it personally

We learn from senior Colorado Imam Karim Abu Zaid and Imam Jamil Zino (1925 – 2010), who’s books have gained popularity especially in Western countries, that it is a collective, religious, obligation for Muslims to fight for Justice  – peace – And world Islamic Rule

Thanks for watching IMFC

Punishments for neglecting jihad Islam Q&A is an academic, educational, da‘wah website which aims to offer advice and academic answers based on evidence from religious texts in an adequate and easy-to-understand manner.

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