Western university in London Ontario has deleted and apologized for a social media post showing two women in hijab about to kiss. The post garnered criticism from some members of the Muslim community including Abd Alfatah Twakkal, Imam of the largest mosque in London Ontario. Canada Islam Homosexual Rights
Alan Shepard, President & Vice-Chancellor of Western University, is aware that Homosexuality and Gay Rights is an issue on which the mainstream Muslim leadership has made itself clear. Alan Shepard has signaled with his apology that, when Muslim sensibilities clash with LGBTQ rights, the rights and sensibilities of the Muslim community will prevail.
Right Wing sites have accused Alan Shepard of capitulating to Muslim demands because he prefers that to having Muslims go on a killing rampage. They refer to the beheading – macheting to death of teachers in France and Bangladesh to legitimize propagating such opinions. What these Right Wingers fail to take into account is a contextualized understanding of the teachings of Sheik Yasir Qadhi who said, regarding the beheading of the teacher in France:
These actions have pros and cons that must be taken into account. These actions might do more harm than good to the Muslim community especially when we are still a minority.
See how Muslims will dominate Europe with changing demographics
Was Western University Insensitive to the Religion of Islam and the Sensibilities of the Canadian Muslim community?

The answer is that it depends on whom you ask. Within the Muslim community there are those who advocate for homosexuality in Islam and promote homosexual Imams. Example would be Irshad Manji and Rahil Raza, two leaders of the Muslim reform movement. This is in contrast to the overwhelming majority of the Canadian Muslim leadership who openly teach that homosexuality is a perversion and disease.
Canadian Council of Imams (CCI) – Islamic Circle of North America Canada (ICNA Canada) – Toronto Dawa’h
Canadian Imams make clear the penalty for homosexuality in Islam is death. There is however diversity in the method to be used to execute.
Click hear to view Canadian Imams teaching both adults and children on execution of Homos as being Islamicly mandated by Allah.
Diversity is a strength that within a consensuses can bring greater strength. Islam Question and Answer, brings both diversity and igima (consensus) to the teachings and wisdom of the Canadian Muslim leadership on the issue of executing homosexuals.
Islam Q&A is the most referenced Muslim web Site. It is supervised by Shaykh Muhammad Saalih al-Munajjid
What is the punishment for homosexuality? Is there any differentiation between the one who does it and the one to whom it is done?

The Sahaabah were unanimously agreed on the execution of homosexuals, but they differed as to how they were to be executed. Some of them were of the view that they should be burned with fire, which was the view of ‘Ali (may Allaah be pleased with him) and also of Abu Bakr (may Allaah be pleased with him), as we shall see below. And some of them thought that they should be thrown down from a high place then have stones thrown at them. This was the view of Ibn ‘Abbaas (may Allaah be pleased with him).
Some of them thought that they should be stoned to death, which was narrated from both ‘Ali and Ibn ‘Abbaas (may Allaah be pleased with them).
After the Sahaabah, the fuqaha’ differed concerning the matter. Some of them said that the homosexual should be executed no matter what his situation, whether he is married or not.