Senior Colorado imam Karim AbuZaid gave an extensive in depth lecture on the lives of demons & their purpose, in 2014. Below in a excerpt of the Introduction to the 7 part series. Intro to Demons & World of the Unseen.
We are students of knowledge and we want to discuss this subject as students of knowledge. Here is what we are going to try to cover. First of all, we want to define and describe this world. Briefly: their origin, their creation, their name, their types, their food, their drink, their marriages, their dwelling places, their writings, and their abilities, what can they do and also the things that they cannot do. Don’t assume that they can do anything. Ginn are unable to do certain things. We’re going to discover this. We will talk about the purpose why they were created. So, they were created to do what? To worship like us. The way that they received the message? Do they have their own messenger from the ginn? Or the message that is sent to the humans suffices them? We know for a fact that Prophet Mohammad PBUH he is a messenger to the ginn and to the humans. We believe that. And we have evidence in the Quran and in the Sunnah to establish that belief.
How Satan plans long-term? You know the Hadith which I narrate to you all the time. That every single morning… Satan sets his throne on water. And he basically gives incentive to his helpers from the ginn, ‘whoever does the best job today in misguiding Muslims I will place the crown with my own hands on your head.’ Disperse. Then the ginn would disperse to do their mischief. They come in the evening reporting they’re accomplishments for the day.
Donkey and dog they see ginn. Hadith that we quoted when we spoke about the angels. If you hear the crowing of a rooster ask Allah for good things because that’s rooster saw what? Angel. And if you hear the braying of a donkey seek refuge with Allah from Satan because he sees a Shaytan. If you hear the barking of a dog the braying of a donkey seek refuge with Allah because they see that which you do not see.
We believe that actually Satan has two horns. The Prophet PBUH told us when the sun rises wait until it’s fully rises, and then pray and when the sun sets wait until it fully sets and then pray. Why? Because when it rises and when it sets it rises between the two horns of Satan and it sets between the two horns of Satan. He explained that people who worship Satan they choose that time to pray.
Intro to Demons & World of the Unseen
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