Why is the Fear of Taliban Rule Irrational? Two Canadian Imams tell us that the Taliban are governing according to Islam principals. Imam Shabbir Ally says that there is a portion of the Muslim community in Canada that strongly support Taliban rule. However some Muslims prefer a more laid back form Islam. Imam Kathrada says Taliban rule is legitimate because they are the ruling authority. He also says that he loves the Taliban rule as all Muslims should.
Not all Canadian Muslim Reject Concept Taliban Rule

Thinking more broadly about the different kinds of reactions we will get within the Muslim community and from without. I would say that from within the Muslim community there’s going to be a split of opinion. There are some Muslims who will say – once we are talking about the Islamic rule – we are talking about establishing the laws of the Quran and the way of the prophet Muhammad – on the ground that must be good in and of itself and I think no Muslim can deny that. We all want to see the Quran and its teachings and the way of the prophet Muhammad as we try to implement it in our own personal lives we want to see that on the ground as well. Now that’s the point of view of just applying the Islamic law now when we think about the safety and security of people, this is a prime importance and Islamic law is not divorced from the safety and security of people. In fact this is of of Paramount importance. In Surah 24 verse number 55 says “God has promised to those who believe and do good good deeds he will cause them be successors in the land” meaning that they will inherit the power in the land.
Muslims who adhere to strict Islamic Law will not be punished
This is quite unreal it’s bizarre what contributes to this level of fear is it their knowledge of the actions of the Taliban on the ground when they were in power? Or is it that some people have painted the Taliban as the apocalyptic zombies to be feared? Is it a kind of irrational fear that is driving people too go nuts when they hear that the Taliban is coming? So this is left to the analyst
The beating should not be severe as in classical times

I mean this beating people to obey the Islamic rules to that extent that is going over and beyond what the classical Islamic law dictates. In classical Islamic law okay so there is corporal punishment for adultery. People may start thinking let’s take it to step further. Make sure that people don’t come close to that. So the result would be even unthinkable. And of course it’s not totally preventable because human nature is human nature.
Over and beyond is a subjective call. Because Taliban are the authority it is their call.
The Quran is worded in such a way that it is open to a variety of interpretations. If anyone says well, we must apply the Quran the way people in the past have applied it, most likely mean they are applying one meaning, the way that somebody has applied it. So that’s only one level of analysis. Another level, the sayings of the prophet Muhammad, because often the Quran is vague and the meanings of the Quran are supplemented by what is found in reported sayings of the prophet Muhammad. Not all of the reported sayings are authentic. First of all be classified and the books there is saheel bukhari – on one hand there’s even – imagine on the other hand in terms of the Justice six most famous books. Saheeh bukhari to be saheeh authentic is said to include some week or even fictitious hadiths. That’s by classical acknowledgment.
Colorado Imams seem to Endorse Taliban’s Policies on women
Similarities Between Taliban – Mustafa Farooq & Canadian Imams
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