In Norway a since 2019 a group called “Stop Islamization of Norway” has been burning the Quran

An Imam has responded with an urgent appeal.
Brothers and sisters the last year a racist anti-Muslimism group have been desecrating and burning the Quran in front of the mosque in Norway. They are doing this to provoke a reaction from the Muslim community. So, that they can label Muslims as a violent terrorists and win support for their anti-Muslimism propaganda. The Norwegian government allows them to continue burning the Quran in front of the house of Allah in the name of freedom of speech.

Even during Ramadan they visited Muslim mosques and burned the Quran with the protection of the Norwegian police. For such a long time we Muslims have been feeling powerless because we can’t do anything when our religion our honor and the book that we hold so close to our heart are being humiliated and disgraced.
But things will now change, God willing, we have found a way to stop the desecration of the Quran. The extremist organization that is burning the Quran is called “Stop the Islamization of Norway”. They have come to our Masjid twice and hung two banners. One stating Islam is barbarism and unwanted in Norway the other banner labeling our Masjid “Oslo Jihad Center” insinuating Muslims are terrorists.

They are burning the Quran and hanging up these banners as a symbol of eradicating Islam in Norway. They are hoping to provoke a reaction from the Muslims so they can justify their hatred and win support for their anti-Muslim propaganda.
We will give them a reaction but not the one that they want to see. We will not do anything that would tarnish the image of Islam and create problems for the Muslims. Rather, every time they burn the Quran symbolizing the extinction of Islam we will react by raising huge amounts of funds to spread Islam and establish the symbols of Islam in Norway.

We have, praise be to Allah, purchased the largest mosque property in the capital of Norway to establish the biggest mosque and dawa’h center in this country. The despicable individual burning the Quran thinks that he can extinguish the light of Allah with his attacks. But we will use him, a useful idiot, to fund the spreading of the message of the Quran in Norway. Every time they burn the Quran we will raise tens of thousands of dollars and we will distribute 100 copies of the Quran to the people of Norway.
Praise be to Allah they want to extinguish the light of the Allah with their mouth but Allah refuses and uses them to perfect his light even though disbelievers hate it. Islam will be established in Norway. We will make these anti-Muslims the very reason for Islam to flourish in the country. So brothers and sisters please donate to generously in the path of Allah, defending the honor our religion and earning Allah’s pleasure and marvelous reward.
Competing Visions of Islam Will Shape Europe in the 21st Century. Quran Burning Sweden Islamophobia.