Is Rubella Vaccine Trojan Horse that Tricked Vatican to Give Uninformed consent?

Dr. Acker was interviewed on John-Henry Westen Show, which Premiered Jan 12, 2021. The Origins of the Foundational Building Blocks for Vaccines.

Did the Vatican give informed consent? Was Rubella A Trojan Horse? Bellow is an excerpt of this interview.

John Westen: If it’s needed is morally acceptable somehow. But even at that time, this is 2005, and then it was rubber stamped. I guess in 2008 with the CDF, however, I don’t know that these facts were known at that time. If they were it’s absolutely unbelievable. So please continue

Pamala Acker: Since you referenced the document by the Pacific Academy for Life, I do address that in the book that I wrote on vaccination. There are some real problems with the science that that was presented to the people who are making those decisions. One of the strongest points that they use to justify the position is that these vaccines can be permissible if the situation is sufficiently grave, when the incidence of congenital Rubella syndrome is present. This is when a baby contracts rubella from its mother in utero in the first trimester. It can result in blindness, deafness, mental slowness and stillbirth in the infant.  It is a serious disease. Rubella itself is not a particularly serious disease. It is a very mild disease in children. It’s really only a problem in pregnant women who contract it during the first trimester. The thought was that vaccinating for rubella is going to protect these pregnant women and so therefore it’s morally justifiable. But in a situation probably pretty analogous to the situation with Covid, when you look at the actual numbers, that’s not the case. Prior to introducing the Rubella vaccine there was approximately 80% herd immunity in the population for Rubella. 80% herd immunity is the threshold at which the disease doesn’t circulate particularly well. Obviously it still circulates. People will still contract Rubella. But it does not spread through the population like wildfire and put lots of people at risk. So after using the Rubella vaccine, what we now have is roughly 80 to 85% herd immunity. And so you might say, well, that’s a little better. Maybe it was worth it. But for the first 10 years after this vaccine was introduced, there was no decrease in cases of congenital Rubella syndrome. In fact, in the first few years there was a spike in the cases of congenital Rubella. They didn’t start dropping until abortion became legal. There’s a pretty good case to be made that the drop in congenital rubella syndrome babies was due to their mothers being informed. “You have rubella. Your child is likely to develop syndrome. Why don’t you just abort it and try again?” The drop that we saw in that disease is probably a lot more due to elective abortions than it is to the introduction of the vaccine.

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