Un Approved Thoughts are Better left NOT Thought. Toronto Imam warns Quran 5:101 “Do not ask questions that if the answer were revealed it could cause you to doubt.”
Approved thoughts in Islam was uploaded in December of 2021.
Imam Syed Rizvi: 1972-1982 Islamic studies: Hawza-e ‘Ilmiyya, 1991 MA in History: Simon Fraser University, Vancouver, 1983-1991 Resident ‘Alim & Imam, Shí‘a Muslim Community of BC, Vancouver. 1991-1996 Executive Director, Islamic Education & Information Centre, Toronto. Authored and translated more than 15 publications.

Ask questions in order to seek understanding. Do not ask questions in order to create confusion and then you get yourself into more complications… 5:101-2 ‘All you who believe do not ask about things that if we disclose them to you will upset you up.’ Don’t ask questions which are not relevant… And if you still continue that that habit of asking irrelevant questions to Prophet Mohammad, while the Revelation is still coming you will be exposed in a way you wouldn’t like. View Clip
Limiting individual thought is logical when viewed from the Islamic perspective
Thinking thoughts will inevitably lead to ideas. Developing concepts and realizations is viewed as threatening to the Islamic collectivist ideology. Why? Because independent thinking is the antithesis of collectivist thinking. Some will argue that this is circular logic which is illogical. Circular logic from a Western perspective is illogically. Imam Yasir Qadhi lecture a Muslim Student Association in Detroit “Beyond the scope of human intellect” View clip

Hizb ut-Tahrir was founded in 1953 as a political organization in then-Jordanian-controlled Jerusalem. Since 1953, Hizb ut-Tahrir has spread to more than 50 countries. Hizb ut-Tahrir is particularly well established in Canada, Britain and Australia.
Muslims cannot express any opinion that contradicts Islam. Accordingly, he is not allowed to call for the liberation of women or a kafir principle like capitalism or socialism. Muslims are not allowed freedom of opinion which the capitalists call for.
The Prophet told us how to think, how to worship, what is acceptable, what is dignified undignified. As to the individual, how to dress, what is hygiene, which hand to eat with how to treat women, every aspect of trade, business, economy. There is a certain way to think when we are Muslims.
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Approved thoughts in Islam
According to Islamic scholars Thoughts that lead to Unapproved thoughts are better left NOT Thought.