“Christmas! Would you congratulate a Fornicator a Pedophile?”

Muslim wishing Merry Christmas. “Would you congratulate a Fornicator a Pedophile?Imam Younus Kathrada’s sermon given to the Muslim youth of Vancouver. In 2021 he asks the children “Christmas!

I published the At the end of this article a media inquiry sent to (NCCM) National Council of Canadian Imams and CEO Mustafa Farooq. I received no reply.

Canadian Imam Younus Kathrada

Yes, it’s Christmas season, so many people ask: why should I not congratulate the people on this occasion? Would you congratulate a fornicator? Would you congratulate a murderer? Obviously not! Would you congratulate a pedophile? Obviously not! So how then can you congratulate people for insulting Allah? When you approve of people insulting Allah, it is a major sin, and it is disbelief.

Imam Dr. Abu Ameenah Bilal Phillips bolsters the Islamic teaching that Christianity is evil:

Church Bells are Satanic – “Prophet obliterated the Cross” View sermon Muslim wishing Merry Christmas

Canadian Imam Bilal Philips

Bells are the musical instruments of Satan. Bells today have become very common; it’s on our telephone, it’s in our clocks. The bell, which is from Christian culture, Christian tradition, which is ultimately from Satan.

ICNA Canada influences & shapes policy regarding the Canadian Government’s approach to promoting the true message of Islam within a multicultural Canadian society. ICNA Canada’s official web site shared the book “Riyad us Saliheen” (“The Gardens of the Righteous” رياض الصالحين), a collection of aHadith compiled by Imam Sharaf An-Nawawi, a Sunni scholar of the 13th century. Modern commentary makes this book relevant for world today. and is highly revered by the vast majority of Muslim leaders throughout the world:

The objective of Jihad warrants that one must struggle against Kufr (disbelief) and Shirk (polytheism) and the worship of falsehood in all its forms. Jihad has to continue until this objective is achievedThis Hadith strongly refutes the people who distort that Islam preaches defensive war only… Wherever there is ignorance and heresy Muslims are bound to fight such evils and finish them by means of Jihad

Media Inquiry from Eric Brazau   

December 24 2021                                               

NCCM’s about page:

Working in partnership with grassroots communities, NCCM engages in professional activism and develops strategies in anti-discrimination.

On December 27th  I will be publishing an article regarding the following

Younus Kathrada: “Yes, it’s Christmas season, so many people ask: why should I not congratulate the people on this occasion? Would you congratulate a fornicator? Would you congratulate a murderer? Obviously not! Would you congratulate a pedophile? Obviously not! So how then can you congratulate people for insulting Allah? When you approve of people insulting Allah, it is a major sin, and it is disbelief.”

Imam Bilal Philips

Bells are the musical instruments of Satan. Bells today have become very common; it’s on our telephone, it’s in our clocks. The bell, which is from Christian culture, Christian tradition, which is ultimately from Satan. View sermon

ICNA Canada: “Garden of the Righteous”  The objective of Jihad warrants that one must struggle against Kufr (disbelief) and Shirk (polytheism) and the worship of falsehood in all its forms. Jihad has to continue until this objective is achieved.  This Hadith strongly refutes the people who distort that Islam preaches defensive war only…Wherever there is ignorance and heresy Muslims are bound to fight such evils and finish them by means of Jihad

  1. Imam Younus Kathrada and Sheikh Abu Ameenah Bilal Philips made statements that directly link Christianity with evil and Satan, murder and pedophilia.
  2. ICNA Canada states on their FB page that Jihad is offensive war & the objective of jihad is to wipe out disbelief and polytheism.  


1a. Can these statements be misconstrued to undermine and or contradict NCCM’s message of anti Discrimination?

1b. Does NCCM wish to correct, clarify or contextualize any of these statements? 

2a. Does NCCM wish to correct any references of jihad as offensive war made by ICNA Canada?

2b. Does NCCM wish to correct, clarify or contextualize any potential misunderstandings that could arise from the language “wipe out, disbelief and polytheism”?

2c. Does NCCM wish to correct, clarify or contextualize any potential misunderstandings that could arise from the language “finish them by means of Jihad”?

I will be publishing on December 27 at 10 am. If you need more time to respond to this inquiry please let me know.

Eric Stanley Brazau

Muslim wishing Merry Christmas

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