Islamic Kingdom Starts in Dallas Texas on 402 Acres  

Sheikh Yasir Qadhi gives a passionate lecture that fires up the Muslim congregation.

Watch a short clip that outlines the plan for a Muslim city in the hearth of Texas. In this City the 10.000 Muslim inhabitants will live as the Rashidun (4 first rightly guided caliphates) the call to prayer will be broadcast.

“You have a lot of power with 10.000 Muslims.”

The city will house all educational and recreational facilities. Adolescent will have no contact with a non-Muslim, will not be influenced by non-Muslim society. Complete presentation

The aim is to create a Muslim hub from which emanates fundamental Islam. The plan is for all Muslim in America to banding together and create spiritually, politically and morally Shariah compliant counties.

In these counties the city council will be sure that all business are closed for mandatory prayer, music will be heard nowhere, eating food will be prohibited during Ramadan. Alcohol and pork will be banned they will also be able to enforce a prohibition on Men wearing shorts or women being without hijab. All schools will be segregated by gender. The county will not fly the gay pride flag, nor will they commemorate Veterans Day.

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