Jew hatred is in the religion of Islam. The following teachings from leading Islamic authorities leaves little doubt. The authorities sited are from the Sunni branch of Islam that represents 90% of Muslims
Imam Yasir Qadhi

Prophet orchestrated a mini Holocaust against the Jews of medina. It is true these Jews were executed. Why? They were accused of treason they were a fifth column.
Prophet scorned the Jews, initially he was hoping they would accept him as their prophet. But they rejected his message with utmost severity.
Jews and Christians are Mushrikoon the Prophet said ‘I have been commanded to fight the people till they say there is no God but Allah and when they say it.. their lives in property become protected from me’
Mohammad the Prophet hated the Jews because they openly rejected him. This caused him embarrassment stoking his desire for vengeance.
Abu Ameenah Bilal Philips
The dajal (Antichrist) will be a Jew. Of course politically today, to say that you could be accused of anti-Semitism and all kinds of things. But this is a fact of our religion
The Prophet Mohammad would have believed this. This is alone is sufficient reason for Jew hatred to be in the religion of Islam.
We will learn from the following four clips that Anti-Semitism that seems to emanate from the Canadian & world Muslim community is, taught to be, a religious obligation. Therefore it could be deemed irresponsible to conflate religiously protected Anti-Semitism that Muslim leaders base on the Quran, Hadith & Sunnah, doctrine, holy text of Islam, with anti-Semitic hate that is motivated by personal feeling of hate or politics, as these are categories not protected under Canadian Charter of Human Rights.
The following Jew hatred is not specified to a particular incident or geo political conflict.
First we learn from Younis Kathrada a senior Imam based in BC
The animosity of the believers towards the Yahood is based on religious grounds. Because the people of faith hate the Yahood because of their disbelief in Allah.
Senior Hamas leader .. Fathi hamad Cut the head off
We must attack every Jew on the face of this Earth. To slaughter and kill them with the help of Allah.
Sudanese preacher Abdullah Hassan Jiballah, March 2020
The Jews are the slayers of the prophets. They are shredders of blood who disbelieved the prophets. And Allah detailed many more of their characteristics. Therefore, hatred and hostility towards them is part of our faith
Montreal Friday prayer, 2016
Oh Allah, destroy the accursed Jews. Oh Allah, show us the black day you inflict upon them. Oh Allah, kill them one by one. Do not leave a single one of them. Oh Allah, turn their children into orphans and their women into widows. Oh Allah, make them suffer adversities
Islamic Relief Canada’s senior official: “The Jews are the enemy of Islam”
Fatima Benhatta is the representative of Islamic Relief Canada in British Columbia since 2011. View Article
Table 6.1: 2020 Hate Crime Occurrences by Victimized Group, 2020
Jewish | 63 |
Black | 43 |
LGBTQ | 21 |
Muslim | 9 |
White | 6 |
In Toronto the Jewish population is 275.000 compared to the Muslim population at 450.000
kill Jew Understanding is Understood to be a Misunderstanding