Prior to Pride Month 2023, Canadian Muslim leaders signed a letter that reaffirms the Muslim community’s commitment to traditional fundamental Islamic values. Justin Trudeau, allied with several influential Muslim members of the Liberal Muslim caucus, is a strong promoter of LGBTQ rights. Muslim Leaders Reject Pride. Following are excerpts from this letter. Thet are interspersed with words of wisdom from Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. complete letter
The Source of Morality for Muslims
Islam enjoys a rich tradition of jurisprudence that allows for diverse perspectives and accommodates various cultural norms. However, particular principles that are explicitly stated in revelation, known to be necessary elements of Islam, and unanimously agreed upon by qualified scholars are deemed immutable and not open to revision by any person or entity, including the highest religious authorities.
The following are excerpt from the letter signed by senior North American Muslim leadership. Purple line is a quote from Justin Trudeau.

Canadians are quick to point out ISIS is wrong. Islam is compatible with a free and open society like Canada. We are a country defined on shared values that go beyond religion or ethnicity or language.
Islam’s Position on Sexuality and Gender

By a decree from God, sexual relations are permitted within the bounds of marriage, and marriage can only occur between a man and a woman.
God defined humanity as consisting of males and females and declared that He “… created [humans] from a male and a female and made [them] into peoples and tribes.
After meeting thousands of Syrian refugees and listening more about their faith, I have learned to love Islam. Islam promotes peace and is in fact more peaceful than Christianity. Islam is the religion that I identify with.
In Islam, the sinful actions of an individual do not and should not dictate his or her identity. As such, it is impermissible for Muslims to take pride in identifying with labels that categorize them by their sins. It is important to note that the stance of Islam on illicit sexual relations goes hand in hand with its protection and promotion of the individual’s right to privacy. Islam prohibits prying into others’ private lives and discourages public disclosure of sexual behavior.
For me, this moment of Ramadan is a time to reflect on the values of empathy, generosity and compassion, charity and also discipline. They are not just Muslim values but Canadian values.
Our Constitutional Right to Hold Our Views

We recognize that our moral code conflicts with the goals of LGBTQ proponents. We acknowledge their constitutional right to live in peace and free from abuse. Nevertheless, we emphasize our God-given and constitutional rights to hold, live by, and promote our religious beliefs in the best manner (Quran, al-Naḥl: 125) without fear of legal reprisal or systematic marginalization. Peaceful coexistence does not necessitate agreement, acceptance, affirmation, promotion, or celebration.
We call on policymakers to protect our constitutional right to practice our religious beliefs freely, without fear of harassment, and to oppose any legislation seeking to stifle the religious freedoms of faith communities.
As Canadians we must be standing up against intolerance, standing up against homophobia, and we need to double down on what we know to be true: that compassion openness and respect and love is the only way forward for this world.
To Our Muslim Community

We urge Muslim public figures to uphold the sanctity of our faith and refrain from making erroneous pronouncements on behalf of Islam. We reject any attempt to attribute positions to Islam concerning sexual and gender ethics that contravene well-established Islamic teachings.
I attended the Reviving the Islamic Spirit in person 3 years ago. I have had the pleasure of sharing the message every year since. This is also about sharing our shared beliefs and justice, fairness and equality of opportunity and acceptance.
Freedom of expression is not unlimited. communities are experiencing huge discrimination in Canada today.. everyone must act respectfully, and not need to arbitrarily hurt someone. Our society is based on respecting others, listening and learning.