Steven Zhou says teachings on FB Page are parody.

Steven Zhou sent a message to the FB group on September 2, 2021. Steven Zhou Anti-Hate Network

“Hi there, I have a few questions for the founder(s) of this website and FB page. I’d like to write a piece about whether it’s a parody, given a lot of the content that’s posted. Please let me know if you have time to chat sometime next week.”

This is a press inquiry; I am a journalist covering Islamophobia and hate issues.

Reply strives to present the true teachings of genuine authentic, diverse, certified Muslim Canadian Imams and scholars (Sunni, Shia, Sufi, Ahmaddiya etc.), as well as community leaders (including politicians). Your insinuation that accurately quoting the true teachings of Islam as presented by prominent and highly respected Canadian Imams and scholars is a “parody” may constitute an insult to the integrity and dignity of these spiritual community leaders whose teachings are featured on the page Furthermore, your insinuation of “parody” is also contradicted by other well established Islamic groups that regularly share these posts and articles, thus acknowledging that these posts are authentic and informative and of value in helping Muslims and non-Muslims learn about Islam.

My statement on April 23, 2021 “Eric Brazau “Learning the TRUE Islam – Fighting the Phobias conflated with Islamophobia” reflects the latest phase in my ever developing journey into the fascinating world of Islam

A few years ago, I launched my first journey into the world of Islam, its religion, traditions and culture. The more I learned, the more I became fascinated and intrigued. With the guidance and teachings of Canadian Imams, Muslim scholars, Islamic literature, I have enriched my understanding of Islam’s nuances and subtleties.  I would like to take this opportunity to express a word of gratitude to a particularly special senior Imam, a member of the Canadian Council of Imams. This imam, with graciousness and patience, encouraged me to delve deeper, take a deep dive into what some say is the world’s most misunderstood religion of peace. I will be honoured if you accept my invitation to join my continued journey along the path to understanding the TRUE Islam, the Sunnah, the way of life, the teachings of Prophet Mohammad PBUH, based on authentic, diverse, North American Islamic sources.

Together, ensemble, we will fight the phobias that are conflated with Islamophobia. It is said “Rational thinking defeats phobias”. I ask you help me to help us to help them by sharing this content. Thanks for watching. Hope to see you soon. 

Statement made in August 2019 

Hello, my name is Eric Brazau. A year ago I was thrown into a fountain in full view of the police. They threatened to arrest me for causing a disturbance. The mainstream media made much of this story and lauded the man that assaulted me. One group however stood up to defend my right to free speech and expression, and denounced the violence perpetrated against me. This act by NCCM National Council of Canadian Muslims, who are a leading voice for Muslim civic engagement and the promotion of human rights, put everything I thought that I knew about Islam in doubt. I like to believe I am a man that bases all conclusions on sound research and well argued deductive reasoning; for that reason, I launched I must share with you that prior to this journey I based my position – conclusion – about Islam on the teachings of Muslim scholars mainly from the Middle East. It seems that was an oversight that led me to some regrettable actions with regretful consequences. Since my fortuitous dip into the fountain and the support of NCCM, I embarked on a journey, nay, a voyage, to learn about Islam based solely on diverse, authentic, Canadian, Islamic, Muslim sources. I have learned much about Islam. I hope that you have as well. The problem with learning is that it has led me to understand that there is very much more to discover. Every question answered brings more questions. Today I am a blank page, an open book, a new slate, ready to explore the diverse fascinating facets of Islam. Yes, Islam fascinates me. Its rich culture, philosophy, schools of thought, Islamic law, the Shari’a, the Islamic State, the Caliphate. Of course, to better understand the true Islam I started learning Arabic, and the Muslim prayers, the salat, that illustrate one’s total submission to Allah. I invite you to continue as my traveling companion into the world of Islam.

One final note: leading senior Muslim scholars and imams in Canada advise that we do not seek knowledge about Islam from the mainstream media. You can rest assured that will continue to be based on authentic, Canadian, Islamic, Muslim, sources.

On a personal note, I have, after much learning and contemplation, come to accept that ICNA Canada as well as Hizb ut –Tahrir Canada seem to be the closest embodiment of the original message of Islam as conveyed by the last and final messenger Prophet Mohammad PBUH and as practiced by al-Khulafa al-Rashidun

I insist that my reply be used in its entirety.

Steven Zhou Anti-Hate Network

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