Virgins Paradise Hymen Repair. The hymen is a thin layer of tissue appearing in the vagina of many female mammals, including humans. In women, this tissue is usually present in childhood and early adolescence, but can be torn away by various activities, including sexual intercourse.
Secret Practices ‘Restore’ Virginity of Young Women Los Angeles Times
In paradise hymen deception is not necessary
Hymen repair, fake virginity certificates and other deceptions, said to be commonplace in some Muslim countries, are practiced in France and elsewhere in Europe, where Muslim girls are more emancipated but still live under rigid codes of family honor.
Why the obsession with virginity?

Deseret Arab nomad culture is tribal. Lineage dictates tribal affiliation and loyalty. A child belonged to the tribe of his father A larger tribe was considered more powerful. (young girls make babies)
Quran 65:04
Then know that the prescribed period for them is three months, and also for such as do not have their monthly courses yet. When you marry believing women and then divorce them before you have touched them, no period of idda (waiting)
Before a female is inseminated it must be confirmed she is not pregnant. This is also the procedure with divorced wives that are pre-pubescent.
In Paradise virginity is never a concern because Allah has arranged it that hymens are self repairing.
Saudi sheikh Yahya Al-Jana
Abu Mujliz said that he had asked ibn Abbas. Allah said that the dwellers of paradise are busy. What keeps them busy? Inn Abbas said ‘they will be busy tearing hymens.’ Muhammad the Prophet said ‘a man will have a hundred virgins in a single morning.’ And what’s even more amazing is that each time he returns to one of them, he will find that she is a virgin again and that she is even more lustful and feminine. He will find her a virgin again, not like the women in this world, whose hymen is ruptured once, and that’s it. every time he returns from meeting Allah he will find her a virgin again. The dwellers of paradise will be given the strength of a hundred men when it comes to eating drinking, and sex. Because some of the men of the dwellers of paradise may be married off to 100 virgins, or even more. He will be given the strength of a hundred men, so that in one morning he will be able to have sex with 100 virgins of paradise.
Conclusion – Virgins Paradise Hymen Repair:
Muslim men are fixated on base carnal pleasure. Fixating on base carnal pleasure retards the development of the person. The multitude of individual people forms society. Ergo development of society will be retarded.