France Shuts Down Mosques. Emanuel Macron President of France in 2019 said “The whole nation (must) unite, mobilize, act… We will only win if our country gets up to fight against this underground Islamism that corrupts the children of France.” This was said in relation to 4 police man being stabbed by a 20 year old administrative worker.

As of April 5th 2022 French authorities have closed 22 mosques over the past 18 months, according to the interior ministry. Authorities have investigated some 90 out France’s total of roughly 2,500 Muslim places of worship on suspicions of spreading “separatist” ideology.
Justin Trudeau Canada’s prime minister, unlike France’s Emanuel Macron, aligns himself and the Liberal Party with the cause of the Muslim leaders and Muslim lobby groups.
France. after Macron became president – the French parliament adopted a new anti-terrorism law that bolstered police surveillance powers and made it easier to close mosques suspected of preaching hatred or cessation.
Canada in contrast in 2017 Omar Alghabra the honourable minister of transport revealed at a Muslim fundraising event.
I am here to tell you that next week the word Shia, Sunni and Islam will be removed from the terror watch list.
This was done under the auspices of minister of security Ralph Goodale.
Omar Alghabra stated the following on a Toronto local ethnic TV broadcast.
We reformed the dual citizenship controversy and the anti-terror laws of the conservatives … We created an appeal process. So whether you are accused of terrorism, pedophilia even if you are guilty of pedophilia or terrorism your citizenship will not be revoked.
France in Contrast, Interior minister Gerald Darmanin, highlighted the government’s move on social media.
The sermons preached in this mosque legitimized in particular the use of armed jihad while cultivating a feeling of hatred towards France.
Literature available in all Canadian Muslim book stores:
[Al-Bukhari and Muslim].
It is evident from this Hadith that so long as Kufr [heresy] is present in this world, it is necessary to wage Jihad against it to finish it off, and so long as all the disbelievers do not openly accept Islam and adopt the Islamic way of life, Muslims are duty- bound to make Jihad against them.
France. The White Memo also lists five books found at the mosque that it identifies as “radical.” according to Daoud Riffi, who teaches Islam studies at the Lille Institute of Political Studies, four of them (bools) are widely available in specialist bookstores and online. The other one is, ‘Riyad as-Salihin’ or The Gardens of the Righteous.

Canada, Gardens of the Righteous. Is sold by the Canadian Charity ICNA Canada. This books makes clear that it is the duty of all Muslims to wipeout all unbelievers and secular governments and establish the supremacy of Islam. Violent jihad is a legitimate means to achieve this goal.
French government alleged in the white memo that preachers told worshippers France was a depraved country that would be punished by Allah, that they glorified armed jihad, and that some worshippers were heard calling for violent combat. France sees this as a reason to have closed this mosque.
Justin Trudeau and the Liberal Party in contrast are big supporters of free Muslim religious speech. When Imams openly show support for the rise of the Taliban, subjugation of women or preach of death or killing Jews and Christians the liberal government keeps silent.
Justin Trudeau Supports Canada being Culturally Enriched By Islam and the Muslim Community
Spilling Blood Acquiring Lands – Muslim Voices Concerning Taliban’s Rise to Power – Endorses Taliban’s Policies on Women – Commanded by Allah to Hate the Jews – “destroy accursed Jews” – Church Bells are Satanic – Inferiority of Jews & Christians Contextualized
French President Macron launches crackdown on ‘Islamist separatism’ in Muslim communities
PARIS (Reuters) – French President Emmanuel Macron pledged on Friday to fight “Islamist separatism”, which he said was threatening to take control in some Muslim communities around France. LINK
French President Macron outlines new law to prevent ‘Islamist separatism’ in France
Emmanuel Macron has announced a law against religious “separatism” aimed at freeing Islam in France from “foreign influences”. The country has been hit by Islamic terrorism since 2012 and we have progressively rearmed against this threat,” he said. LINK
Mustafa Farooq Advocates Creating Mini Islamic States within Canada
Sharia States within Canada. Canada in contrast celebrates those that call for establishing Sharia enclaves. Mustafa Farooq CEO of Canadian Council of Canadian Muslims did in In 2012, publicly advocated for Muslims to eliminate secular law and establish Sharia’h mini states in Edmonton, Montreal and Toronto.
Advocacy: The NCCM frequently appears before federal and provincial parliamentary committees on legislation and public policy measures. We monitor legislative initiatives, submit briefs that articulate a vital perspective and engage with government officials, parliamentarians and other elected officials.
In France, after the beheading of French teacher Samuel Paty, president Macron pushed against the Muslim communities demand for censorship by publicly broad casting images of the Prophet Mohammad PBUH that are offensive to the Muslim community in a show of solidarity with secular values. France Shuts Down Mosques
Canadian prime minister Justin Trudeau made several statements in which he promoted the idea of censorship and sensitivity to the sensibilities and feelings of the Muslim community. He also made a point of never linking the word Islamic, Islam or Muslim with terror. LINK LINK Freedom of expression has limits
France is suffering suffering extensive Muslim jihadist attacks at a rate far greater than Canada.
France Shuts Down Mosques