Albert Einstein
“Peace is not merely the absence of war but the presence of justice, of law, of order.”

Canadian Imams, scholars and community leaders are urging Muslims to enrich Canadians with Sharia law. The wisdom of Islamic doctrine makes it clear that blessings of justice and peace can only exist under the Law of Allah.
Islamic scholars also teach that democracy is an abomination to Allah and that Muslims must defeat it at all cost and raise the banner of Islam.
Submitting Islam peace mankind
Canadian Imam Mazin Adhim
“In Islam, man has no right to legislate his laws. Only Allah has this right… When it comes to man organizing himself with himself, food and clothing and with other human beings, contracts, social interactions and so on and man’s relationship with his lord. These three sets of relationships are restricted to the Quran and Sunnah. Man is forbidden from legislating in these matters. Any one who does is a kafir… Democracy completely contradicts with Islam.
Colorado Imam Karim AbuZaid
Now we know from the Hadith that when Prophet Issa comes and rule out of Jerusalem, rules the world and establishes the Sharia, and No Religion other than Islam will be accepted. He is going to break the cross and kill the pig. Now there will be a thousand years of peace because Islam is in control.
al-Nawawi said:
The correct view concerning this is that he (Issa) will not accept it, and he will not accept anything from the kaafirs, disbelievers, but Islam. If any of them offer the jizyah, that will not make him stop fighting them. Rather, he will not accept anything but Islam or death. This is the view of Imam Abu Sulaymaan al-Khattaabi and other scholars
Submitting Islam peace mankind how will future generations cope?
Jews & Christians in Muslim Lands? Article