Vaccines fuel Live Abortion Fetus Cell Harvesting Industry

Dr. Pamela Acker, one of the most knowledgeable people in the world on vaccines and on what goes into them. Dr. Acker was interviewed on John-Henry Westen Show, which Premiered Jan 12, 2021. The Origins of the Foundational Building Blocks for Vaccines. Bellow in an excerpt.

After the Wakefield scare that potentially implied that the MMR [measles, mumps, rubella vaccine] was connected with the development of autism. And so some just stopped producing the separate vaccines. You can only get it now as the trivalent vaccine with measles mumps and rubella. Which means that you can’t ethically be vaccinated for any of those things because the vaccine is produced in aborted fetal cells. It’s produced in the wi-38 cell line. And that cell line took, I believe it was, 32 abortions before they got to that cell line. The number 38 again is the number of experiments that were actually performed. I believe it was 32 individual babies… They dissected 27 fetuses before they had the virus that is currently in use in the rubella vaccine. And they continued with 40 more elective abortions isolating a number of different viral strains that didn’t ultimately get used in the vaccine. But if you put all that together, you end up with approximately 99 abortions just for the rubella vaccine. And, you know, keeping in mind that all of them are probably done under the same horrific conditions that we’ve just described. “deliver these babies via cesarean section. The babies are in some cases still alive when the researchers start extracting the tissue, to the point where their heart is still beating. And they’re generally not given any anesthetic because that would disrupt the cells that the researchers are trying to extract. So they’re removing this tissue while the babies are alive.” And in some cases, where babies were delivered, the entire amniotic sack was removed from the mother. And these babies were either dissected right then and there. In some cases, they were stuck in the refrigerator to sort of preserve them slightly so that they could be dissected a little bit later… Yet, your average Catholic parent who goes into the doctor’s office and is asked, ‘do you want the MMR’ doesn’t even know that this is how this was developed. So when Bishop Schneider was talking in the interview of the moral complicities that are being asked on this grand scale of people to just accept, this isn’t something that’s brand new with the advent of Covid. There have already been significant inroads made in terms of getting people to appropriate evil. To use something that has a truly evil origin in it for their benefit even though they’re not really cooperating in bringing the evil about per se. That doesn’t even get to the fact that continuing to do this then fuels the market for additional cell lines and additional aborted fetal products and additional vaccines that are made in aborted fetal cells. Because, if we had been refusing the MMR vaccine, we wouldn’t have Covid vaccines that are made with aborted fetal cells.

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