Stoning Muslim women to death. Then the Messenger of Allah Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) commanded to tie her clothes around her and then stoned her to death. Prophet Mohammad PBUH then offered funeral prayer for her. [Muslim].

This Hadith has relevance to the theme of the chapter as we see it. Moreover, it reveals that if a woman becomes pregnant after committing adultery, she will not be subjected to punishment immediately. Instead, the penalty [stoning] will take place after childbirth and weening of the child. This will certainly contribute to the remission of her sins and will also be a factor in offering the funeral prayer for her.
Stoning Muslim women to death can be purification of her soul. Book of Death by Toronto Imam Faisal Abdur-
If someone commits certain crimes in Islam and is found guilty by an Islamic Court one of the punishments is stoning to death. But for the believer there is an important benefit. This act of stoning now is also purification for the believer.
Here we see the compassion and wisdom of Prophet Mohammad PBUH. He let the child be born before the stoning to death of the woman, increasing the size of the Ummah.
Brampton Faisal Hamid Abdur-Razak is the Ameer (Spiritual Leader) of the Ahlus Sunnah Council of Canada and the founder of the Islamic Forum of Canada in Brampton, Ontario. published a book titled The Book of Death.
Chapter 5, P. 22 Consoling the patients and showing kindness to one facing death sentence
5.1 Imran bin Husain MABPWH reported: A woman belonging to the Juhaina tribe came to Allah’s Messenger and she had become pregnant as a result of fornication. She submitted: O’ Messenger of Allah! I have done something for which punishment must be imposed upon me, so impose that. Allah’s Messenger called her guardian and said: Treat her well and bring her to me after delivery. He acted accordingly. Then Allah’s Messenger commanded to tie her clothes firmly around her and then stoned her to death. He then said her funeral prayer over her. The companions were upset that the Prophet said prayers for this woman. When they questioned the Prophet PBUH, he replied that she confessed and willingly accepted the penalty in this life and has gained purity in order to enter into paradise.
Book shared by ICNA Canada: The penalty (of stoning) will take place after childbirth

ICNA (Islamic Circle of North America) Canada shares on its website the book “Riyad us Saliheen” (“The Gardens of the Righteous” رياض الصالحين) compiled by Imam Zakaruya Yahya Bin Sharaf An-Nawawi, a Sunni Shafi’ite jurist and hadith scholar who lived in the 13th century.
Here are excerpts from the book:
A woman belonging to the Juhainah tribe came to the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) after having conceived from Zina. She submitted: “O Messenger of Allah! I am liable to Hadd (punishment ordained by Allah), so execute it.” The Messenger of Allah (PBUH) called her guardian and said, “Treat her well and bring her to me after delivery.” He acted accordingly. Then the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) commanded to tie her clothes firmly around her and then stoned her to death. He PBUH then offered funeral prayer for her. [Muslim].
Commentary: This Hadith has relevance to the theme of the chapter as we see it. Moreover, it reveals that if a woman becomes pregnant after committing adultery, she will not be subjected to punishment immediately. Instead, the penalty [stoning] will take place after childbirth. This will certainly contribute to the remission of her sins and will also be a factor in offering the funeral prayer for her.
Islam is a religion of peace, and kindness in the manner of stoning women with compassion.

Is killing of a woman allowed for the sake of family honour if she is found guilty of anything that is not good for the family’s name and honour?
From time to time we hear claims from the kaafir west or the deviant east that everyone who kills his sister or daughter does so because of honour. That is because many laws let the killer off if he kills any family member for this reason.
Even though this claim may be true, we should not be deceived by these people and their claims. The purpose of these claims is to remove gheerah (protective jealousy) from the hearts of the woman’s family, and to open the door for women to commit immoral actions.
The Islamic View on stoning is not shared by most people in the West.